Australian Institute of Architects
Find an Architect | Resources | News | Events | Education
Main industry body for the architecture profession in Australia.
”Dedicated to improving our built environment and the communities we call home by promoting quality, responsible, sustainable design.”
Find a Designer practitioner | Resources | News | Events
Main industry body for the design profession in Australia.
”The DIA represents Australian design and designers both domestically and internationally.”
Australian Institute of Landscape Architects
Find a Landscape Architect | News | Resources | Events
Industry body for the Landscape Architecture profession in Australia.
“AILA champions quality design for public open spaces, stronger communities and greater environmental stewardship.”
Planning Institute of Australia
News | Events | Professional Development
”National body representing planning and the planning profession.”
Engineering Heritage Australia
Australia's peak heritage body for engineering.
National committee comprised of local divisions - Develop policies and represent Engineers Australia nationally on engineering and industrial heritage matters.
Industry “body of heritage experts established by the Australian Heritage Council Act 2003 (The Australian Government's independent expert advisory body on heritage matters).”
DOCOMOMO Australia is a national not-for-profit organisation run by volunteers involved in architecture, academia and conservation.
International Council on Monuments and Sites
”International non-government organisation primarily concerned with the philosophy, terminology, methodology and techniques of cultural heritage conservation.”
Australia’s leading conservation organisation, actively protecting and conserving places of heritage significance for future generations to enjoy.
Federation of Australian Historical Societies
Find a local society | Resources | News | Education | Events
”Peak body representing the interests of historical societies and members throughout Australia.”
Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material
Find a Conservator | Resources | News | Events
”AICCM are dedicated to the conservation of Australia’s cultural heritage, to ensure it survives for future generations of Australians.”
Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology
Publications | Resources | Education | Membership
”Heritage NSW works to protect our heritage which is protected by the Heritage Act 1977 and the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.”
Heritage NSW Library | Publications & Resources
The Heritage Council of NSW is established under the NSW Heritage Act 1977. It is an independent statutory body that includes members of the community, the public sector, the conservation profession and a nominee of the National Trust of Australia (NSW).
Sydney Living Museums cares for a group of 12 of the most important historic houses, gardens and museums in NSW on behalf of the people of NSW.
“The National Trust is Australia’s leading heritage conservation charity. In New South Wales, our vision is to bring the heritage of this state to life for future generations.”
“Heritage Victoria makes decisions about the most important historic heritage sites in Victoria”
“The Heritage Council of Victoria recognises, protects and celebrates Victoria’s cultural heritage. They advise the government and others on how to conserve and protect historically important objects and places for the enjoyment of current and future generations. The Heritage Council is an independent statutory authority established under the Heritage Act. It has different responsibilities to Heritage Victoria. The Heritage Council decides what to include on the Victorian Heritage Register. They are the review body for permit and consent decisions made by Heritage Victoria.”
Owners Guide | Living in an Older Home
“Since 1956 the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) has been actively conserving and protecting our heritage for future generations to enjoy. We are an independent non-profit charity organisation and the leading operator of house museums and heritage properties in the state.”