Explore the allure of modern living in a changing South Australia after World War II. A booming economy and emerging consumer culture led to a desire for enjoyment and a celebration of the pleasures of ‘everyday life’. A new generation of socially mobile individuals sought to define themselves through modern architecture.
Discover what the relationship was between the owners and their new homes. Who were these people and what inspired them to leave (or demolish) their traditional family home to commission or move into a modern, architect-designed home? What were their backgrounds and social network?
Bringing together photographs, drawings and plans, and newspaper and magazine articles from the State Library’s collections, as well as material from other organisations and private family records, this exhibition celebrates the diverse work of architects and firms, including John S Chappel, Robin Boyd, Dickson & Platten, Peter Muller, Lawson, Cheesman & Doley, and others.
Also features video interviews with people who lived and worked in these remarkable buildings.
Curated by Dr James Curry (School of Architecture and Built Environment, University of Adelaide), and the State Library of South Australia.